Title:Smart Internet of Energy with BigData-Blockchain and Stochastic Differential Game (基于大数据区块链与随机微分博弈的智慧能源网)
Abstract: We study the Internet of Energy with BigData-Blockchain in handing power control processes. The popular definition of Big Data is modeled by Levy driven stochastic differential equations and stochastic partial differential equations. The artificial intelligence aided policy processes are presented by stochastic differential games and aimed at providing efficient admission control, capacity scheduling, and network routing. Blockchain is proposed to satisfy the system security requirements. Comparing with the well-known zero-sum game based AlphaGo and AlphaGo Zero random decision processes, our dynamical policies can be non-zero-sum game based ones, which reflect the trend of the fast developing shared economy and cooperative systems. In addition, our policies have the advantage to select multiple decision points in a single step to meet the requirements for a game with multiple players. Randomly-evolving Pareto-optimal Nash equilibrium policies are derived and simulation examples are presented to show the effectiveness of our policies.
戴万阳:南京大学数学系教授(博导/重要学科岗)、江苏金融科技研究中心特邀专家、江苏省概率统计学会理事长、国家自然科学奖励委员会数学学科会评委员与学科组长、国际《应用数学进展杂志》主编; 曾任美国电信(现称诺基亚)贝尔实验室永久科学家、重大/重点项目首席科学家与研究员、并获美国乔治亚理工大学博士学位;众多成果发表在国际顶尖与权威杂志上并受到众多美国院士、INFORMS John von Neumann奖得主等著名科学家的引用、沿用与发展, 是1998年世界数学家大会概率统计领域45分钟特邀报告有关理论与方法的原创者、也是世界上最早大数据云计算云平台的发明者。